Expressing my thoughts..

Archive for January 8, 2010


When i came to this world..i belonged to nonentity..

I was too young to twig the facts of life..

TimeĀ  deprived me the infancy..which i wish never strayed..

Now life is a blend of emotions..and am in a muddle..

Life is a gamble..never played fair..

Minds are vicious..and words even worse..

Silence seems blissful..but the folk spare none..

Why a figure cannot mind his own affair..

When such a time arrives i shall be felicitous..

For i love my seclusion..!

A December Tale..

I was lost in a crowd..But i loved the feeling..

It was a new atmosphere..full of strangers..
But i was there to make friends..I needed a change..
People do stare..Some give me a smile..
Not everybody are known to me..But still i love the place..
A place to lark around..
A foundation to attain lore..
It taught me more than whot life had to teach me..
I relish the idea of being there..
I am mesmerized by my new mondial..

Its December..The holidays are here..
I will miss this unparalleled world..
Let the ten days fly..I want to come back..
Continue the delight..
I have few more years in this firmament..
Let me enjoy as long as I subsist here..